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The Latest Advancements In Hearing Technology

woman having new hearing aids fitted by her hearing specialist

Hearing aids are an incredible innovation to help those who experience hearing loss improve their hearing. They were originally invented in the late 19th century, but have undergone many significant developments since then, taking advantage of the latest in audio technology to create devices that are extremely valuable to those who have hearing loss. 

Thanks to different innovations in hearing aid technology, modern devices are able to amplify sounds, even in difficult environments. Hearing aids help provide a range of different features for wearers, supporting them in their daily activities to overcome some of the challenges that come with hearing loss. Discover more about the latest advancements in hearing technology that can provide some incredible solutions for those with hearing loss.

Bluetooth and Smartphone Connectivity

With smartphones becoming such an essential part of everyday life, it was inevitable that hearing aid technology would evolve to work with smartphones to enhance the support and features they provide. 

Bluetooth-compatible hearing aids allow the wearer to connect their hearing aids directly to devices like their smartphones, TVs and computers to amplify the sounds directly – working in a similar fashion to earphones.

Many modern hearing aids also come with supporting smartphone apps that allow users to adjust the volume on their hearing aids easily, as well as other features that allow the user to get the most from their hearing aid. 

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize technology and is being used to develop powerful features in hearing aids. AI can help improve the user experience by automatically adjusting according to different environments and conditions, while machine learning can provide a more tailored experience for the individual – recognizing different preferences and adapting accordingly.

These developments can lead to improvements in audio quality, and with AI technology advancing all the time, hearing aid technology will continue to develop to provide the best possible support for wearers. 

Longer Battery Life and Faster Charging

Hearing aids are worn daily, but their limited battery life can be an issue for wearers. Most new hearing aid designs come with rechargeable batteries, allowing them to be charged overnight (like wireless earphones) and making them a much more convenient solution compared to traditional hearing aids. 

Adapted Designs to Suit Different Aspects of Life

No two hearing aid wearers are the same. Lifestyle choices and personal tastes and preferences can determine the type of hearing aid an individual prefers to wear. Today, there are multiple styles of hearing aids to suit different needs, including those designed for active lifestyles, discreet styles and even waterproof styles.

The range of available hearing aids provides wearers with more choices of styles than ever, making it easier to find a hearing aid to suit a wearer’s personal preference.

Features to Ease Tinnitus Symptoms

Tinnitus can be debilitating, but the latest hearing technology can help ease tinnitus symptoms to provide relief for those who experience tinnitus symptoms. This can include the use of masking noises such as white noise, controlled by a compatible app that a user can activate when needed.

Two-Way Audio for Easier Calls

Many of the advances in hearing technology replicate the features of earbuds and other listening devices. More and more hearing aid models are being designed with features like two-way calling, which can allow wearers to make phone calls without the need for an additional microphone. This provides a convenient solution for wearers, especially given the increase in video calling and remote working that can require wearers to use in-ear devices or headsets.

Amplification of Different Sounds

Hearing loss affects people in different ways, which means hearing aids are not a one-size-fits-all solution. People can experience hearing loss at different frequencies, and hearing aids are being developed to help cater to different types of hearing loss.

While traditional hearing aids were designed to amplify all types of sound, newer hearing aids can be configured to amplify certain bands, providing a more effective and comfortable experience for wearers. 

Expert Hearing Aid Advice from Hear Here Audiology

With so many types of hearing aid available, choosing the best device for your needs can be overwhelming. An appointment with an audiologist can help you learn more about different hearing aid styles and help match you to a device that best suits your lifestyle. 

At Hear Here Audiology, we can help you find the best hearing aid for your needs and provide a professional fitting service and ongoing support. Call us today at 727-289-1212 to make an appointment.