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The Importance Of Regular Hearing Screenings

audiologist looking into the ear of her senior hearing loss patient

Hearing checks are an important part of maintaining your health. You may believe that a hearing test is only necessary if you are experiencing hearing loss symptoms, but regular screenings are essential for maintaining your hearing health. Scheduling hearing screenings can help detect hearing loss at an early stage, providing you with the opportunity to take preventative measures before it worsens. Early detection and intervention can also prevent the development of further complications associated with hearing loss, such as depression, anxiety and social isolation. It’s imperative to make hearing screening a part of your routine healthcare regimen, regardless of age.

What is a Hearing Screening?

A hearing screening is a type of test that checks for hearing loss. Lasting around 30 minutes, they are carried out by an audiologist who will use different tests to check your hearing levels. Most people have a hearing screening carried out as a child, and may not have another unless they notice a problem with their hearing. However, regular hearing screenings can detect signs of hearing loss at an early stage, before you even notice them yourself.

The Benefits of Regular Hearing Screenings

Regular hearing screenings can help you stay on top of your health, just like an eye exam. Some of the benefits of regular health screenings include:

They Can Identify Potential Hearing Problems

A regular hearing test can help you monitor your hearing, allowing you and your audiologist to identify any changes over time. Hearing screenings will compare the results of your previous exams to check for any deterioration of your hearing. Your audiologist will be able to advise on issues like earwax build-up or obstructions that could also lead to hearing loss. 

They Can Help Identify Potential Medical Issues

While many cases of hearing loss are linked to factors such as aging or genetics, some are the result of medical conditions. A hearing screening could help rule out some of the causes of hearing loss, which can prompt you to get a medical diagnosis instead. As a way of keeping track of your health, a hearing screening could flag some concerns you may not be aware of yourself.

They Can Help You Get the Treatment You Need

If hearing loss is identified, your audiologist will be able to advise on treatment options, including hearing aids, to help you improve your symptoms. Regular screenings will ensure that your hearing aid continues to support your needs and that changes are made as needed. Your screening is also a good time to raise concerns or to ask for advice about your hearing loss treatment, helping you to get the support you need.

They Can Help Prevent Hearing Loss Progression

Once hearing loss has been confirmed, your audiologist can advise on the best ways to prevent it from progressing. With regular checks, you can monitor your hearing loss and make adjustments to your lifestyle or behaviors to help protect your hearing from further damage.

Appointments Outside Your Regular Hearing Screening 

A regular hearing screening can help you monitor your hearing for any changes that could indicate hearing loss. However, if you experience any signs of hearing loss outside of your regular checks, you should make an appointment with your audiologist to rule out any problems. 

Some of the main signs of hearing loss to look out for include:

  • Difficulty hearing conversations or sounds on the TV or radio
  • Needing to increase the volume of your TV and audio devices
  • Asking people to repeat themselves or mishearing words
  • Difficulty hearing in crowds or in loud environments
  • A persistent ringing in your ear

These symptoms may appear suddenly, but often hearing loss will be gradual, so you may not notice it until your symptoms worsen. Your friends and family may also alert you to signs of hearing loss, which is a sign to go get it checked out.

Regular Hearing Screenings for the Whole Family

Your whole family can benefit from regular hearing screenings, just like going for a dental check-up or an eye exam. Children receive hearing screenings at a young age, but a regular hearing screening could help identify any potential hearing issues as they get older that could otherwise be missed. 

Schedule Your Next Hearing Screening with Hear Here Audiology

If you’re looking for reputable hearing care in Tampa, Florida, Hear Here Audiology is here for you. Providing regular hearing screenings, as well as hearing aid evaluation, tinnitus treatment and other services, Hear Here Audiology can take care of all your hearing needs.

Make an appointment for regular hearing screenings in Tampa and learn more about our services by calling 727-289-1212.