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OTC Hearing Aids: Frequently Asked Questions

a display of different hearing aid styles

Since becoming available in October 2022, over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids have become one of the hottest topics for hearing professionals across the country, as well as millions of people who could potentially benefit from wearing them.

Before purchasing OTC hearing aids, or any other hearing device, you should first learn a little more about the products in question. After all, you deserve the best solution to promote healthy hearing. Here’s all you need to know.

Can Anyone Buy OTC Hearing Aids?

Over-the-counter hearing aids are a special class of hearing aids that can be purchased online or in-store without a prescription or professional fitting. While the devices are FDA-approved, they are not suitable for everyone. They should not be purchased by anyone who is:

  • Under the age of 18
  • Experiences tinnitus
  • Has hearing loss that is noticeably different in one ear than the other
  • Has known ear deformities
  • Experiences regular earwax obstructions or ear infections
  • Has vertigo

What is the Purpose of OTC Hearing Aids?

Like all hearing aids, OTCs are designed to help manage hearing loss by supporting your brain’s auditory response. Over-the-counter hearing aids primarily focus on enhancing speech. When worn, you may notice a range of rewarding features, including but not limited to:

  • It becomes easier to distinguish one voice from another in group conversations,
  • You find it easier to follow conversations when there is background noise.
  • You find it easier to follow the TV, radio or telephone calls.
  • It becomes noticeably easier to hear the higher pitches of women and children.

Are OTCs the Same as Prescription Hearing Aids?

While the fundamental purpose of OTC devices is the same as prescription hearing aids, there are some noticeable differences between the two. Over-the-counter products will:

  • Deliver a limited sound output compared to prescription hearing aids,
  • Lack some of the advanced features, such as connectivity to other devices,
  • Not have a personalized fit or calibration.

This means that the performance and comfort may be different from prescription hearing aids. Because of these varying factors, they are only designed for individuals with self-perceived milder hearing losses.

Will I Still Need to Ease Into Wearing OTC Hearing Aids?

Yes, although the transition may be a little smoother due to the reduced sound output. Nevertheless, hearing sounds that you’ve not heard for months (or years) may be a little overwhelming at first. Because of this, you may want to:

  • Wear them at home first
  • Wear them for a few hours at a time before gradually increasing the duration
  • Try wearing them in quieter environments first where it’s easier to tune into the right sounds
  • Increase wearing time each day for consistent results.

Are OTC Hearing Aids a Good Choice?

While OTC devices are tempting because they allow you to get the technology faster than the medical-grade hearing aids, it’s critical to understand that these aren’t complete replacements for the more advanced technology on the market. To better understand what kind of amplification you need to benefit most from your selected hearing aids, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with an audiologist. They will be able to test your degree of hearing loss in both ears and can talk to you about the kinds of power and features you will need to meet your unique needs.

How will hearing aids improve my daily life?

Hearing aids offer many benefits to your quality of life. Improved auditory processing will naturally enhance human interactions and communications. You may also notice the following results:

  • Your safety improves as you can hear sirens and road traffic,
  • You feel less tired because you won’t work as hard to follow conversations,
  • Confidence is restored, noticeably in public settings,
  • You feel happier thanks to more meaningful connections with other people,
  • You learn more about the world as you can take in the full auditory experience.

Why Should You Schedule an Appointment with an Audiologist?

While over-the-counter hearing aids do not require a prescription, it’s best to establish a baseline before purchasing any technology. There are many benefits to be gained from taking this route, like:

  • You can rule out underlying health issues that could impact your hearing health,
  • You gain an accurate diagnosis and confirmation of the best hearing aids for you,
  • It may be possible to gain further support like CBT or music therapy.

If nothing else, a personalized hearing loss program provides the peace of mind that you deserve. To learn more about hearing tests and the prospect of getting new hearing aids, call Hear Here Audiology at 727-289-1212 today.